Before you say what you’ll pay, ask them what they are earning on their money. Then offer to increase that. What do I mean by that? Well, so many folks have their money sitting in bank accounts right now, lots of it, and it’s just sitting there earning 0.0 something percent, which is zero. In fact, because of inflation, inflation has averaged 3% over the last 20 years according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2.94% to be accurate. Anyone who’s earning less than that is really going backward.
Imagine that you can step in as a real estate investor and you can offer them something like what the banks charge, for example. So if you were to go to the bank as an AA credit borrower and borrow at today’s rates, look at that rate.
How great that is? Imagine that you could offer that to Mrs. Jones, who’s got her money sitting in the bank account right now, earning 0.0 something percent and she can put her money to work, helping deserving families end up with homeownership. Isn’t that a noble and valuable thing? What I found out is many lenders care what they do with their money.
They care what their money is going to be used for. And doesn’t it make sense for you to give them that opportunity and that option, while we’ve got a script for that, what to say, how to say it? And once you learn this valuable thing, it’s all there sitting ready for you. And in fact, when you look at your contact list on your phone, you’re going to find that there are people that absolutely love this. So get the script.
There’s more about this. In fact, there’s a lender presentation kit at and click on tools and then look up the Lender Presentation Kit.