Today’s tip is number 19, build an extension into your contract. Now build an extension into your contract. What does that mean? So I’ve been talking in this series a bit about a thing called a standard real estate purchase and sale agreement. And uh, I’ve seen what sellers do and I’ve seen when they don’t do what they’re supposed to do and I’ve seen that they can pull back on you and cause you a lot of expense and a lot of loss of money because you could have gotten a title search, you could have spent money getting a survey. Maybe you had the home inspected, it’s a lot slot. You could have invested by the time you get to the closing.
Well what if they just wait you out? What if they waited to the date of expiration of your contract and all of a sudden you lose and they win because they all intended to do is to sell it to somebody else who was offering more money. Well, what if you had the never-ending contract? And I’ve got a great clause, a clause number six in my purchase and sale agreement, it says title, examination, place, and time of closing. If title evidence and survey show seller is vested with a good clear and marketable title subject to permitted title exceptions contained in a national title insurance company. Commitment at its standard rates permitted exceptions for restrictive covenants, leases, surveys, current taxes, zoning ordinances, and easements or record the transaction will be closed and the deed and other closing papers. The delivered honor before the blank date of blank and that’s the year plus any extensions necessary in order to complete the paperwork.
Now I’ve got some other things in here, but the important thing is we just created what I love to call the never-ending contract and it’s built into the paperwork. If you’d like to have that contract, if you’d like to have, uh, my whole buying system, I can tell you that it, uh, has certainly changed my life. It’s what I’ve been using for years. It’s what my licensees all across America and all 50 states. Use this amazing contract. You can find out more about that and go by going to street smart go to tools and click on buying volume one. Love to get you on board and give you also as a bonus. Two tickets to my upcoming millionaire jumpstart. I hope you enjoy this. I hope you’ll use it. I hope it will make a difference in your profits. I’d love to share more of my profitable free tips with you.
101 Street Smart Cash Flow Accelerators