Hello everyone and welcome back to another installment of our group Q and A where we give you Street Smart answers to your Street Smart questions.
I’m very excited about what’s happened over the last two weeks since the last time we met. The industry has changed dramatically, of course, with the sale of Bear Sterns to J P Morgan. It’s amazing. J P Morgan made its big inroad into the financial 101 years ago by doing exactly the same thing, buying a company for pennies on the dollar, and being able to step in and grow their business. And, now here we are 101 years later where J P Morgan is no longer around, but his company still is.
Lou Brown:
Hello ladies and gentlemen, and welcome back to another installment of our Street Smart group
Q and A, where you ask the questions and I give you all the answers. I’ve had an exciting last couple of weeks. We had our Millionaire Deal Maker event, also been to Ohio for a three day stint there. Lots of great turned on investors that say, “If you’re not turned on about today’s market, you’re missing the opportunities that exist.”
Lou Brown:
Good day everyone and welcome back to another installment of our Street Smart Group Q and A where you have the questions and hopefully I have the answers. With 30 years experience I can guarantee you I have a good shot at it. To update you on the current market as I usually do on these Group Q and A calls let me just say hooray, hooray, the government has taken over fanny may and Freddy Mack. These were already ___(27) governmental agencies and over the years the government who had originated these corporations passed them on to private enterprise and remained in some limited amount of control over those two institutions. The government created these two institutions in order to have a free flow of money from the financial markets to back up people giving mortgages. So, it was the thing that created a tremendous housing boon in this country where it was difficult to get mortgages but when they created a back up buying unit to take those mortgages off the originators hands it created a tremendous growth in housing in this country. Now the government has taken them back and the government says wait a minute these private enterprise folks did the wrong thing. Which we all know they did. They bought mortgages they should not have bought. They allowed lenders to do all kinds of strange and exotic lending that they should not have done.
Hi everyone. Welcome back to another installment of our group Q and A. Where you have the questions and I’ve got the answers. We’re going to have a great time today. We’ve got a lot of great questions. I want to start with _____.14. He’s got a question that I was going to cover in preview and I’m going to go ahead and read his question and give you the answers based on current market conditions. We got a lot of questions. This particular time about market conditions, so let’s do spend some time on this.
Lou Brown:
Hello everybody and welcome back to another installment of the Street Smart group Q and A. Where you have sent me some really interesting questions over the last couple weeks and I’m including those in today’s recording. I’d like to take this opportunity to always update you on my thoughts on today’s economy and how we fit into it. It’s been very interesting over the last few days that the government gets it as far as I’m concerned. They understand that today’s economy is so critical based on people’s psychologies. If you think about it psychology is really such a big part of the fear factor. What was the psychology of the big growth in real estate that oh I’ll go ahead and invest in real estate now and I’ll get some of this huge appreciation that’s going on. If you recognize how I teach you, we do not buy on appreciation; we do not sell on appreciation. Our whole game is based on a long term strategy and either making money today on a quick turn flip or long term on a hold. So we don’t look so much at future appreciation and big swings in the market. We just say slow and steady at the helm. Because the helm is really where the risk is and it’s also where the rewards are long term.
Hello everyone and welcome back to another installment of our Street Smart Q & A where you have sent me a ton of questions that I’m excited to answer all of them for you. Before we get started, let me just recap what’s happened over the last couple of weeks in our economy, and tell you that I think a lot of things are on hold right now waiting for the elections. I don’t think it’s really going to make a difference who gets elected in terms of things turning around. I just think that a lot of things are on hold.
Lou Brown:
Hello everyone and welcome to another Street Smart Group Q and A where you send in a number of questions that I plan to get to today, but first I wanted to update you on the latest that I’ve heard on the neighborhood stabilization program. You know it’s amazing what our government is doing right now to try to stabilize the incredible housing market, and I say incredible because it’s great for us. We’ve got so much opportunity to put folks in homes and give them an opportunity to someday own that home with our program. Remember that our program really provides that, rather than just being landlords we give people an opportunity to someday own that home and as a result of our rent to own and owner finance programs it really attracts a whole different group of people with a whole different mindset. Better quality folks that are willing to buy properties in better neighborhoods. They’re willing to give us money down. They’re willing to take properties in as in condition and do work in order to earn credits. They’re willing to stick with us. They’re willing to make payments on time. They’re willing to take better care of their property and all these things come as a result of your offering a program that is desperately needed in today’s economy.
Lou Brown:
Hello everyone and welcome back to another Street Smart Investor Training. This is our Group Q and A that we do twice per month and I welcome you to take a look at what’s happening in the marketplace this time. Isn’t it amazing when you just look at the craziness of the stock market and you look at the craziness of the things that they’re doing to investors? We just smile and wave when we know that our Street Smart System works beautifully in this market. In fact, it works better in this market than it does in a buyer’s market. We’re just so excited buying properties. We have several Subject To’s that we’re closing this week. We have several that are owner financing and probably by a week from now we’ll have five under contract.
Hell, everyone, and welcome to another Street Smart Group Q and A. Tonight, I’ve got a very special treat for you. We have a Mastermind meeting going on right now in Atlanta, Georgia. Many of you have heard about our Mastermind Program and now you have an opportunity to actually hear the Masterminds at work. What I’ve asked them to do is actually be the questions this week and come up with questions that I haven’t seen and I don’t know the questions. They can present them to me and I can give you the answer. You’re going to get the benefit of hearing exactly what’s on their mind and the answers to those things tonight.
Hello everyone and welcome back to another session of our Street Smart Group Q&A. You sent me a ton of questions. Before we get started I Just wanted to say that this has been a fantastic year. I hope it’s been a great year for you. Taking a look at what is happening in our economy; a lot of people are running scared. It’s just truly amazing how many questions I get about today’s economy. So let’s talk about it for just a second and say, I hope you are looking for houses right now and I hope you are finding them. Because sellers are willing to do things that they haven’t been able, or willing to do for many, many years. Right now, there is a lot of them that are motivated having sat on their properties. Having waited for the market to come back, and now discovering that the market is not there, and it is not coming back for a while. Sellers are backing up. To give you a story, we just bought condo and many of you have heard me at jump-start, explain that I am not crazy about condoms and we are not interested in buying condos. The only way I will by a condo is if it’s very cheap.