Auction Profits

Want to sell your properties at lightning-fast speed? This course contains detailed information on how to do just that. With over 47 painstakingly crafted forms, you’ll see a simple, fool-proof system for selling any property at record speed and earning top-dollar. A real revolutionary twist to the classic auction technique. A MUST for any real estate investor interested in selling property faster than you can buy them!

What’s Inside:

  • Learn to sell properties with lightning-fast speed.
  • Get top dollar for your properties.
  • Revolutionary twists on classic auction techniques.
  • Auction Profits 178-page guidebook with proven real estate techniques.
  • Audio Training downloadable for your devices and Forms download (or thumb drive)

Street Smart Investor is used by top real estate investors and professionals throughout the United States.


Auctions Equal Profits Galore

Street Smart AUCTION PROFITS ™ is the answer to so many of your biggest problems in the real estate business. With this information, you’ll understand how to buy at auction, but the major focus of this work is how to SELL at auction – using tools and techniques that have never been perfected – until now!

An Old Idea With a Brand New Twist

The market is at all times perfect for this strategy. In fact, n some parts of the country, people refuse to sell their homes WITHOUT using an auction. Given the law of supply and demand, you can be assured, IF YOU DO YOUR MARKETING CORRECTLY, you’ll have the ability to move your properties at lightning speed at the highest possible price available in the market on the day of your sale.


Why Such High Market Value?

Regardless of the market, you never really know what buyers will be willing to pay for your property. In many cases, it can be a challenge to set a price for real estate. With an auction, this uncertainty doesn’t come into play. You’ll immediately know how highly buyers value your property; their bids will tell you this information.

You also have the choice to set a minimum bid for your real estate. If bidders are not willing to make offers at or above this level, you will know immediately that you set the asking price too high.

Packed With Forms and Checklists To Make Your Process Paint By Number Easy

You’ll get everything you need to unlock all the hidden profits available in auctioning your house. You’ll have a list of the key players you’ll need in place to make this happen and checklists to ensure you don’t forget a thing. Refer to this course the first and EVERY time you
auction to ensure that you have covered all your bases in planning for maximum results. You could always try selling the old-fashioned, slow way, but why waste an opportunity to make more money in a shorter period of time? Auction Profits is your solution.


“Lou’ system brings so much valuable information, by following the Lou’s system you are bound to become successful Real Estate Investor.”

Keith Borkenhagen, GA

“Lou’s system provides way to do deals other investors can’t. Especially houses that have negative equity.”

Robert Slye Jr., OH

“Since joining Lou’s program just 4 months ago we have opened our new office building, we bought three homes and sold two others.”

Marty & Sue Lackey, MO

“Extremely value with so much information. Lou’s presentation and genuine humor approach makes everyone comfortable and ready to learn. This is just the beginning of my future.”

Michael L Hanson, CA

“The old saying of “you get what you pay for” is not true with Lou. I have gotten way more than I paid for!”

Stephen White

“I think this program will jump-start my career in real estate investing by getting more deals with targeting renters in apartments.”

Gregg Maines, NV