02 Massive Passive Income With GREAT Tenants

Hi, it’s Lou Brown. I’m back to share with you some other thoughts about Massive Passive Income and what can happen in your future of the buying and holding strategy to be able to generate income for you now and forever.

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April 23, 2020, By Lou Brown

01 Massive Passive Income for Real Estate Investors

Hi, it’s Lou Brown. I am so excited to share with you some thoughts that I have. We have an event coming up. It’s called Massive Passive Income. And I was looking through the table of contents on, you know what I’m going to cover during this event. And it’s kind of interesting because I’ve been in this business of buying, holding, and selling property now for over 40 years and I’ve learned some amazing things. I’ve had over a thousand sections, eight residents. I’ve done so many different things in terms of managing and one of the things I’ve learned is that I have developed some incentives for people to actually follow the agreement that they’ve entered into. And I’ve learned some lessons along the way. But this economy that we’re in right now is very scary for a lot of people. I will tell you why I’m not afraid. The reason is that our residents want to pay us. They’re excited to pay us because we’ve developed some things that give them some things in the game. You know, typically when somebody is looking at paying a landlord, that’s like something they have to do instead of something they want to do, right?

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April 23, 2020, By Lou Brown

Non Refundable Options #66

Hi, it’s Lou Brown. I’m back with another of my 101 cash flow accelerators. Where I’m going to help you to become a multimillionaire in the real estate business. It’s been a fabulous business for me. I love it. It’s been incredible. One of the things we started doing in the last video was talking about giving our residents the option to purchase and how that can be so much better for you. You can end up with a better resident at one point I want to make about that is we have them pay what’s called NROC, Non-Refundable Option Consideration. What that means is that once they pay that money, and I want you to understand this, they have purchased merchandise. The merchandise they purchased is the option to purchase that property, so as a result of purchasing that option they have paid for that, well when they pay for that.

Continue Reading Non Refundable Options #66

April 22, 2020, By Lou Brown

Set up Your Office Right #67

Hi, it’s Lou Brown. I’m back with another of my 101 cash flow accelerators. And one of the things that are very important in having a successful real estate business is paperwork management. Sorry guys. This is a detail-oriented business. The paperwork does matter. Finding the paperwork absolutely matters and it’s important that you always can put your finger on it. One of the things I developed over time, you know, if you think about it, once you get into a real estate transaction, it can be quite thick over time and you’ve got the have different segments, to be able to find things quickly and easily. So I found these six-part folders that pretty much just show you what you can do with each one of these segments. So if you look at that one section, and if you start with this section over here, that’s the first section.

Continue Reading Set up Your Office Right #67

April 22, 2020, By Lou Brown

Rent on a Lease with Option to Buy #68

Hi, it’s Lou Brown. I’m back with another of my 101 cash flow accelerators and now we’re going to talk about lease with the option to buy, get a better resident, and increase your cash flow. Now, how in the world can you increase your cash flow? Well, number one, when they move in, they’re going to pay you a non-refundable option consideration. In our world that is generally no less than 3.7% of the value of the property all the way up to 10%. When we get to the 10% level, then we’re going to go to a different program called owner financing. I’ll teach that to you in a different segment, but what’s valuable here is instead of a traditional landlord-tenant relationship, typically landlord only gets a security deposit, which they can’t spend and they get their first month’s rent. Well, in our world, we’re not only getting the first month’s rent from the resident, we’re also getting a purchase from them.

Continue Reading Rent on a Lease with Option to Buy #68

April 22, 2020, By Lou Brown

Offer Your Optionees Back Up Owner Financing #69

Hi, it’s Lou Brown. I’m back with another of my 101 cash flow accelerators. In this segment we’ve been talking about proper property management informed property management, profitable property management, and one of the great profits centered that you have is giving your resident the opportunity to someday own that home. Now in the marketing that we do, we market to find people that have a significant down payment that they could put down on the property. Why would they give it to you? Because they can’t typically qualify for a traditional loan at the bank. Well, aren’t you a great service provider in your community? We call you an affordable housing provider and actually, under our program you can become a certified affordable housing provider. And we provided all the documents, the training, the tools, the marketing, their websites, a complete package to open a business in your local community that attracts those kinds of folks.

Continue Reading Offer Your Optionees Back Up Owner Financing #69

April 22, 2020, By Lou Brown

Separate Your Rental Agreement #70

Hi, it’s Lou Brown. I’m back with another of my 101 cash flow accelerators where you can separate yourself from being just a landlord into a housing provider, an affordable housing provider. In fact, a certified affordable housing provider.

One of the things that I teach you to do in this particular segment is to separate your documentation. So in other words, we’re entering into two different agreements. If we’re going to do a lease with the option to buy, we’ve got a lease, you’ve got what we call our standard rental agreement, and that covers the relationship that we have with them as an occupant of the property. Separately, they’re going to purchase another thing called an option to buy and that option to purchase is going to give them the right to purchase that property within a designated period of time with a certain requirement within that, and as a result of them agreeing to that separate agreement, they now have that option to purchase the property.

Continue Reading Separate Your Rental Agreement #70

April 22, 2020, By Lou Brown

Always Have a Contract With The Contractor #71

Hi, it’s Lou Brown. I’m back with another of my 101 cash flow accelerators. In this segment, we’re going to be talking about renovations. I’ve made a fortune in renovations. It’s been absolutely incredible. I learned a lot about what to do and what not to do. I didn’t know anything and I didn’t have any background in rehabbing anything. Having been raised by a single mom, being raised in apartments, having no dad, having no background in construction, not taking any classes, or going anywhere to learn about those things. I learned about it through hard knocks and I’ve got all kinds of advice for you on this. But one thing is that, when you do hire someone to do your work, you always start with a good contract. Now, what I recommend you do is actually go through and make a list of everything that needs to be done in the home.

Continue Reading Always Have a Contract With The Contractor #71

April 21, 2020, By Lou Brown

Always Get Recent References on the Contractors #72

Hi, it’s Lou Brown. I’m your local certified affordable housing provider. We help people to end up with homeownership regardless of credit or financial background.

Continue Reading Always Get Recent References on the Contractors #72

April 21, 2020, By Lou Brown

Understand Who Will Get Permits, You or the Contractor #73

Hi, it’s Lou Brown. I’m back with another of my 101 cash flow accelerators.

One of the things that can help you a lot is to save money when you are doing renovations. And one of the things that you have to get clear in your contract with your contractor, I jokingly say CONtractor, it’s built right into their name, right, is that it gets, you get very clear at the beginning who’s going to do what under what circumstances, in what time frame. And one of the things you always want to get clarity on is the concept of having to give permits from the County. Is it you that’s going to get the permit and they’re going to work under your permit or are they gonna get the permit? Well, I always recommend, that you have the CONtractor get the permit. They’re putting their license on the line. They’re putting themselves at risk when they don’t do what they’re supposed to do. We always want to get the sign-off from the County before you proceed with paying them.

Continue Reading Understand Who Will Get Permits, You or the Contractor #73

April 21, 2020, By Lou Brown