The dirty little secret about real estate investing is it puts a target on your back. If your assets aren’t protected…luck is the only thing stopping some slimy crook and his lawyer from taking them. People file crazy lawsuits all the time. They fake a slip and fall accident and collect a check! Insurance can help, but it’s not a cure all. Years ago, Lou Brown discovered how two very specific Trusts can protect you better than insurance, or a corporate veil. But you need to know how to use them! At Maximum Asset Shield, you’ll learn how to protect yourself and your assets – this is true hands-on training where we will physically show you how to structure that protection on the spot! There are at least 30 benefits of Trusts that you can NOT get from any other entity and we cover them ALL. You’ll go home with tested and proven ways to ensure Protection from lawsuits, more Profits from your real estate investing, complete Privacy regarding what you do and Probate Avoidance for your loved ones. Invest four days at this event and sleep better at night everyday after.