Charge the Contractor #81

Hi, it’s Lou Brown. I’m back with another of my 101 cash flow accelerators to help you be more successful in your real estate business. In this section we’ve been talking about renovations and boy I tell you what, I’ve done a bunch of those. I’ve done a whole subdivision and it’s been really interesting to learn about working with contractors and getting them to behave the way you want them to. “Oh, Behave!”, as Austin Powers would say and they won’t unless you penalize them. Well in my contract it’s called an independent contractor services agreement. It’s available in volume 11 renovations under One of the things I have is a contract for the contractor and an important thing to have in there is penalties when they don’t complete on time. So typically we go through a list of things that need to be done. I provide that to them.

Continue Reading Charge the Contractor #81

April 16, 2020, By Lou Brown

Have the contract state who handles the construction debris #82

Hi, it’s Lou Brown. I’m back with another of my 101 cash flow accelerators. Renovations can absolutely accelerate your profits. However, there are things that you must consider. One of the things that I’ve laughed about over the years, I’ve learned in doing many, many renovations is that when you’re dealing with the contractors, you better have it clear who is going to be responsible for the debris cleanup and removal from the property. We have it built into our independent contractor services agreement to be sure, and by all means that they are going to be responsible for that and they will not get their final check until all debris has been not only cleaned up but removed from the property. I hope that’s been helpful to you. It’s really, it’s been a challenge in my life for sure, and I want to make sure it’s not a challenge in yours. If this has been valuable, like this. Love this. Share this and I’ll see you soon. Yeah, baby.

Continue Reading Have the contract state who handles the construction debris #82

April 16, 2020, By Lou Brown

Have the contract state the crew size #83

Hi, it’s Lou Brown. I’m back with another of my 101 cash flow accelerators to help you accelerate the cash and your business and one of the things that I’ve always learned is that when you sign a contract with the contractor, you better be sure that you say when they’re going to get that job done. Not only that but what makes us think that’s going to happen? How many crew sizes are they going to have on the project and what times of the day can you expect to see them there? So in my independent contractor services agreement, I’ve actually built in when they have to be there X number of days per week and during the hours of X and Y to be sure that I can expect to see them, I can drive by at any time and see them and know that the contract is being fulfilled and that my job is going to be done on time. What is typical is that contractors run on to another job and another job and another job. They get deposits from a variety of different people and they go start working on all those different projects, tearing things out, and getting them, the owner pretty much committed to them to have to finish the project. While I’ve been very careful to make sure that they’re going to get on my job, stay on my job, get my job done. Well, hopefully, that has been helpful to you. You can find out more about that at click on tools and click on renovations, Volume 11 and I hope this has been helpful. Like it. Love it. Share it, and I’ll see you soon. Yeah, baby.

Continue Reading Have the contract state the crew size #83

April 16, 2020, By Lou Brown

Have the contract state the minimum hours required to work #84

Hi, this is Lou Brown. I’m back with another of my 101 cash flow accelerators to help you build your business, grow your business and support you long term in the success of your business. One of the things I’ve learned over the years in this section, we’ve been covering renovations. You better make sure you know the number of hours that they are going to devote to your business. And so therefore in our contract we actually state the number of hours that they’re going to devote. One of the things when you are first determining whether you’re getting a good deal or the right price from the contractor, I always ask them, well, how long do you think that will take? And then as we’re going through the contract, you know, how many hours would that be and how many hours would that be and how many hours would that be? And then I’ll do my own calculations on the number of hours I expect it to take.

Continue Reading Have the contract state the minimum hours required to work #84

April 16, 2020, By Lou Brown

Understand exactly what is included and what is not #85

Hi, it’s Lou Brown. I’m back with another of my 101 cashflow accelerators to help you be more successful in your real estate business. Well, make sure that when you are dealing with a contractor in this section, we call this renovation or success or renovating for success. Let’s be sure that we not only enter into a contract with the contractor, but we know exactly what they’re going to do with that contract. Now what I recommend is you actually do your homework and that means go through the property yourself, not with the contractor, I mean yourself, and literally break it down. What do you want to be done in each room and what do you want each trade to do in each room? So what I did in my renovation system, volume 11 what I did was actually determined each one of the different trades and then determine what they would do in each room.

Continue Reading Understand exactly what is included and what is not #85

April 16, 2020, By Lou Brown

When paying always get a lien waiver from all who work on the property #86

Join me here for my 101 cash flow accelerators where I help you to build your business, grow your business, and support you, and protecting you from the mistakes that I’ve made in my business over the years. Always be sure that we get a lien waiver from all the contractors that are working on the project, not just a general contractor. You see the general contractor can give you a lien waiver, but what if they don’t pay the under contractors, the subcontractors that have been working under them? The problem is this, if they’ve done work on your project and they haven’t been paid, they have the right to come in and lien your project. Oh my gosh. What miserable time in your life would happen when you actually have to pay twice for the same work? Yes, pay the general contractor and now I have to pay the subcontractor again.

Continue Reading When paying always get a lien waiver from all who work on the property #86

April 15, 2020, By Lou Brown

Offer Owner Financing to your tenants #87

I’m back with another of my 101 cash flow accelerators where you can accelerate your amazing real estate business. Well, one of the things I like to talk about in this segment, we’re going to be talking about lending. When you become the lender. How about let’s lend to our tenant. Now, what that means is not lending them money, lending them equity, the property that they’re moving into that they live in. We have a program called the path to homeownership where we help deserving families regardless of credit or financial background to end up with homeownership and we even teach them and show them how they can do that. We do all we can do. We have marketing to attract those kinds of people that have significant down payments in my world that they have at least 10% down. Then we will do owner financing in the form of what’s called an agreement for deed.

Continue Reading Offer Owner Financing to your tenants #87

April 15, 2020, By Lou Brown

Owner Financing Secret #88

Hi, it’s Lou Brown. And I’m back with another of my 101 cash flow accelerators where we help you to build an amazing StreetSmart real estate business. One of the things that we’ve learned over the years is one of the steps in lending to other people, particularly when you’re lending to someone who’s living in one of your homes, is that certainly, you could sell that property to them.

Continue Reading Owner Financing Secret #88

April 15, 2020, By Lou Brown

Control the closing #89

Hi, this is Lou Brown. I’m back with another my 101 cash flow accelerators to help you have a more successful real estate business in a Streetsmart way. Now in this one, we’re in this segment, we’re talking about lending and whether you’re buying, whether you’re holding, whether you’re selling, when you use an attorney, it should always be your attorney.

Continue Reading Control the closing #89

April 15, 2020, By Lou Brown

Use the right paperwork with strong late penalties #90

Hi, it’s Lou Brown. I’m back with another of my hundred and one Cashflow accelerators where we help you to build an amazing real estate business. Now, one of the things that I’ve learned over the years, paperwork, and in that paperwork is that you have strong penalties. Now we call them penalties, but the truth is they are incentives, they are incentives to pay on time. And so in our standard rental agreement, for example, we’ve built in a housing discount or a payment discount.

Continue Reading Use the right paperwork with strong late penalties #90

April 15, 2020, By Lou Brown