Hi! It’s Lou Brown. I’m back with another of my 101 cash flow accelerators. And I love this segment. We’ve been talking about selling properties. And you know, in my business, I’ve been in this business for over 40 years. And when I think about the challenges of this business, it has always related to the selling side of the business. How can I get these properties so quickly for the lowest cost? And one of the methods that we came up with is the auction method. And think beyond just selling a property and getting a big fat check, but actually selling a property, getting a big fat check, and keeping it so that you’re getting monthly checks along the way as well. And that’s our world.
Hi! It’s Lou Brown. I’m back with another of my 101 cash flow accelerators. And this one is “Selling your property using the auction method”. Now when you auction off property, it’s amazing what happens. There’s a psychological effect. People get excited. They’re bidding against someone else. They want to win. The competitive spirit kicks in. And by gush, they want to win. So they’ll, in many cases offer more than they typically would have if there was no other competitor for that property. So you want to consider doing that. And I’ve got that in a system called “Auction Profits”. And in the profitability of creating an auction, it’s a phenomenal way that you can get your property moved. You can get it moved for the price you want. And in fact, reduce a lot of your costs.
Hi! It’s Lou Brown. I’m back with another of my 101 cash flow accelerators to help you build an amazing and highly profitable real estate business. And one of my favorites is what we’re going to talk about right now. It’s called “Work for Equity”. AKA Work for Credit. And what happens is that when people come along in our world, we give them the opportunity to do some, all, or none of the repairs to the property. So what happens is instead of going in and doing a full-blown renovation, we offer our clients the opportunity to earn credits towards their down payment or move-in fee. And as a result of that, then they’re able to save money. And more importantly, they’re able to choose what they would like to do with the home. That means their colors. You know, probably when you moved into your house, you changed the colors on the walls, guess what they want to do exactly the same thing.
Hi! It’s Lou Brown. I’m back with another of my 101 cash flow accelerators. And this one is about having a credibility kit for buyers. To explain to buyers, who you are. What you do. How you operate. How you can help. How you’re different than traditional landlords. How you help people end up with homeownership. And some of the services that you provide as an affordable housing provider. And that’s different than landlords, isn’t it?
Hi! It’s Lou Brown. I’m back with another of my hundred and one cash flow accelerator. And today we’re talking about one of my favorite topics. And this is “Selling the property you have to your resident”. And it’s a concept that’s evolved over many years. You know, I started looking at my business and really seeing where I had the pain. And the suffering. And the expenses. And the costs. And I said, where is it that I can evolve my business? Or how is it that I can evolve my business where I don’t have the problems that other people have in their business? And I found out that landlords, pretty much, are dealing with people with a mindset of tenants. And what happens is landlords get left with a trashed property. They have to come in, they have to clean everything up, get it ready for the next people.
Hi! It’s Lou Brown. I’m back with another of my 101 cash flow accelerators. And this one is about your future. Remember, I’ve been in this business for over 40 years. I’ve learned a lot about what can go wrong in a transaction as much as what can go right about it. Of course, we do this business so we can make a good profit and a good living for ourselves and our families. And when you are selling property, it’s inevitable that the time that you worked out with the buyer will change. So in other words, there’s a date on the contract you expect that to happen, and many times that doesn’t happen. So what I suggest is there be a clause in your agreement that says if it goes past the day that it’s supposed to close, then you get paid an additional fee per day for each day that it doesn’t close.
Hi! It’s Lou Brown. I’m back with another of my 101 cash flow accelerators to help you build an amazing real estate business. You know, I’ve been in this business for over 40 years. I have seen it all. Hopefully God. I have seen it all. And one of the great things is that I’ve learned over time that things can be resolved without going to court. So I actually put it into my agreement. I have a Standard Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement for the buying as well as the selling of property. And one of the things I’ve discovered is that we can meditate, and we can do arbitration before we actually have to go through a trial in superior court. And so what I suggest is you have a whole clause in your agreement and I’ve actually already got that in our agreement. And what it says, and they actually initial this paragraph as well so that it’s very, very clear that if there is any dispute of any kind over this agreement, then first, there’s going to be a negotiation between the parties.
Continue Reading Have All Disputes Handled Without Going to Superior Court #95
Hi! It’s Lou Brown. I’m back with another of my cash flow accelerators. In the last episode, I was talking about substituting yourself as the lender. And you might ask yourself, how would that work? Well, it’s pretty cool stuff because basically, you’re not lending cash, you’re not lending money as a traditional lender would. You are lending equity. And it’s called a Purchase Money Loan. And that’s what would happen if you substitute yourself as the lender. And so one of the things we do in our world, we don’t give people the deed to the property depending on how much down payment they have, of course, if they’ve got a sizable down payment, we will give them the deed. But if they’ve got a limited down payment, say 10% then we’re going to have and give them what we call an Agreement For Deed.
Continue Reading Have the Option to Substitute Yourself as the Lender #94
Hi! It’s Lou Brown. I’m back with another of my 101 cash flow accelerators helping you to build an amazing real estate business. And one of the things I’ve learned over the years is that different mortgage brokers have different lenders. And many times if my client is getting their own mortgage broker or lender, they might be turned down for the loan and that cuts me out of a sale. Well, I’ve discovered that if I go ahead and put in my agreement that, that seller has the right to substitute a lender for the buyer if they’re turned down for the loan, then I could even substitute myself as the lender if they were turned down.
Continue Reading Have the Right to Substitute Your Lender #93
Hi! It’s Lou Brown. I’m back with another of my 101 cash flow accelerators. And one of the ones that is very important for your future is when you can “Control The Closing”.
Listen, I’ve learned over my years that when it’s my title company or attorney that’s closing the transaction, then I am a lot closer to any issues that might be happening around getting that closing done. For example, let’s say that something weird popped up in the closing when they inspect the title. And it’s something that could be easily fixed. But if I don’t have a relationship with that title company, it might be something I don’t find out for days. It could impact the closing. There could be real issues that I’m not abreast of. So I like to know exactly who’s closing the transaction and that they are a member of my team.