Lou Brown discusses how he can let you know about his $10 Million retirement fund.

The first thing to understand is that this doesn’t happen overnight. Lou started 40 years ago and learned several things that allowed him to provide homeownership while maintaining the position of being the bank for his clients. This produces Massive Passive Income.

Lou Brown has a one-day event called the Wealth Builder Workshop that is designed to teach you this and more. Watch the video and visit the link to find out more details.

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Hi! It’s Lou Brown. I wanted to let you know about my $10 million retirement plan. Now how in the world could that be possible? Well, it doesn’t happen overnight. I want to teach you that. When I got involved in this business, I was 18 years old. Now that’s over 40 years ago. And one of the things I learned is that I could buy properties, taking over existing financing on the property. I could put a client into that property. They would pay me rent. And then I gave them an opportunity to step up to home ownership. And I was in a position to be the bank for my client. And that produces Massive Passive Income on an ongoing basis. And it transfers the responsibility of repairs and replacements and remodeling and things like that onto an owner. Just like you do at your house, you’re responsible for your water heater or your roof. Well, they are too.

And this is what’s so great. You are the bank. You receive that income. It’s a fabulous retirement plan. And that’s what can happen over a period of time. When you are taking that client, you’re nurturing them. You’re helping them to grow in their life, having an asset that they can pass on to generations to come and have the ability to have a home of their own. So that’s what you’re providing in your local community.

I want to teach you how to do that, my $10 million retirement plan. We’re going to cover that in my upcoming Wealth Builder Workshop. Now this wealth builder workshop is designed to take you soup to nuts through our business plan and business model. And what I teach you is that you can purchase properties without having the risk that most investors take. And the reason is because we start with having a customer first and then we custom buy a property for that customer. We buy it right. We buy it cheap. We become the opportunity for them to have home ownership. That’s what I teach you and what we’re going to be covering during that wealth builder workshop.

So this is a one day event. I want you to absolutely be there. I will support you in having what you need in order to be able to build an amazing future. I’ve helped many people throughout the country, throughout the world, in fact. Build great businesses and I can help you too. And you have a business that helps others as well. We call it doing good while doing well. I want to teach you that. The foundation of that is my book. It’s called Buy Hold Sell. Definitely Amazon bestseller. It’s something that you should absolutely get your hands on. And I’m going to be teaching you that book during this one day workshop. So do join me. The dates are right here on the page and I look forward to seeing you soon. Yeah, baby!