Do Lawyers Keep Copies of Trust? #7

Do Lawyers Keep Copies of Trust?

If they prepared the document, it’s very likely they’re gonna keep a copy of that.

One of the great benefits of a Trust is privacy.

Continue Reading Do Lawyers Keep Copies of Trust? #7

July 6, 2020, By Lou Brown

Do It Yourself Wills and Trusts #6

Do It Yourself Wills and Trust

I’ve been buying, holding, and selling property now for over 40 years!

One of the things I learned about early in the game is trust.

These are powerful, they can be profitable, and they can provide privacy, and they can provide probate avoidance.

What’s important to note is that there are about 30 different kinds of trust.

Continue Reading Do It Yourself Wills and Trusts #6

July 5, 2020, By Lou Brown

Irrevocable Trusts Pay Taxes #5

Irrevocable Trusts Pay Taxes

I’ve been using trust since 1984. One of the things people ask me is if irrevocable trusts pay taxes.

The answer is…it could. Depending on what you take advantage of when you set it up.

There are some very interesting opportunities available in certain irrevocable trusts.

Continue Reading Irrevocable Trusts Pay Taxes #5

July 4, 2020, By Lou Brown

Do Community Land Trusts Work? – A series on Trust #1

Community Land Trusts

Privacy, Protection, Probate Avoidance, and even PROFITS!

Continue Reading Do Community Land Trusts Work? – A series on Trust #1

July 3, 2020, By Lou Brown

Irrevocable Trusts File Tax Returns #4

Do Irrevocable Trusts File Tax Returns?

I’ve been using trust since 1984. Best thing on the planet.

And when people ask me if irrevocable trusts file tax returns, the answer is yes they do.

Continue Reading Irrevocable Trusts File Tax Returns #4

July 2, 2020, By Lou Brown

Do Irrevocable Trusts Avoid Probate? #3

Do Irrevocable Trusts Avoid Probate?

My name is Lou Brown and I’ve been doing trusts now since 1984. My answer is if you set it up correctly, then definitely irrevocable trusts avoid probate.

Continue Reading Do Irrevocable Trusts Avoid Probate? #3

July 1, 2020, By Lou Brown

Do Family Trusts Work? #2

Do Family Trusts Work?

The answer is, absolutely! It’s one of the best things you can do for yourself and your family. It’s an important step to take to protect the assets for generations to come.

I got a FREE book here that you can download to learn more about how to do this.

Continue Reading Do Family Trusts Work? #2

June 29, 2020, By Lou Brown

Mission in Life #102

Hi! It’s Lou Brown. And I have been providing to you a number of different videos about the kind of like bits and pieces of tips and trade secrets that I’ve discovered over 40 years of being in this business of buying, holding, and selling property. And I hope it’s been a benefit to you. And one of the things, and this is kind of a bonus, but to have a successful business, it’s a great idea to have a mission. What is your mission in life? Is it just to make money for yourself and your family? Or would you like to make a difference to help others?

Continue Reading Mission in Life #102

May 25, 2020, By Lou Brown

Auction Off the Price #101

Hi! It’s Lou Brown. I’m back with another of my 101 cash flow accelerators. And I love this segment. We’ve been talking about selling properties. And you know, in my business, I’ve been in this business for over 40 years. And when I think about the challenges of this business, it has always related to the selling side of the business. How can I get these properties so quickly for the lowest cost? And one of the methods that we came up with is the auction method. And think beyond just selling a property and getting a big fat check, but actually selling a property, getting a big fat check, and keeping it so that you’re getting monthly checks along the way as well. And that’s our world.

Continue Reading Auction Off the Price #101

May 25, 2020, By Lou Brown

Market Quickly #100

Hi! It’s Lou Brown. I’m back with another of my 101 cash flow accelerators. And this one is “Selling your property using the auction method”. Now when you auction off property, it’s amazing what happens. There’s a psychological effect. People get excited. They’re bidding against someone else. They want to win. The competitive spirit kicks in. And by gush, they want to win. So they’ll, in many cases offer more than they typically would have if there was no other competitor for that property. So you want to consider doing that. And I’ve got that in a system called “Auction Profits”. And in the profitability of creating an auction, it’s a phenomenal way that you can get your property moved. You can get it moved for the price you want. And in fact, reduce a lot of your costs.

Continue Reading Market Quickly #100

May 25, 2020, By Lou Brown