This is Lou Brown and I’m here to discuss what a family trust is.
This is one of the 30 different types of trust which I also call a dynasty or elite trust. This is a very good way to ensure that assets are taken and passed down through generations.
Should spouses have separate trusts?
First, you have to understand what trusts contain. Once you know this and why it is a fantastic tool, I can show you what is the best way to set this up for spouses. Watch now!
I’ve been asked about abolishing secret trusts.
Should I buy investment trusts?
This certainly is beneficial to some folks. While I shy away from that because I want to control my own assets. Over the years, I’ve learned how to be your own trust.
I’d like to show you what to do and how to do it.
How do trusts actually work?
This is a really great question. What happens with a trust, is that this is a contract. It states all the details about the relationship and how it will work.
Typically it relates to taking assets then putting them in the hands of someone else under contract that they should do what the contract says.
This is a wonderful way to keep it out of the courthouse.
The question today is how to register trusts.
To register, you will basically be registering the assets to the name of the trust. This can be done in the courthouse of the county where the trust resides.
But, there is a far better way to do this. Watch now to learn more!
One of the questions people ask me is how much are trusts taxed?
This is a vital question and there are actually several answers depending on the state of where you reside. I discuss the different factors that affect this question. Watch now and learn about it along with how you can protect yourself and your family.
I’ve been asked, how much interest do trusts earn?
This is a very interesting question because whatever assets the trust has, might be in a bank account. It could earn interest depending on how much the bank would want to pay.
But did you know, most trusts can actually invest? Learn more about this and how to use trusts to purchase assets and earn income for the rest of your life!
I discuss the different factors that affect the cost of a living trust. It can start from $499 depending on your situation and needs. Watch to find out more about this and my best solution in doing one!
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