11. Take advice from people with more money than you have -Things Poor People Do That the Rich Avoid

People who don’t have money seem to keep taking advice from those who don’t have money as well!

It might make more sense to take advice from people who have more. Been there, done that is definitely the truth!

Continue Reading 11. Take advice from people with more money than you have -Things Poor People Do That the Rich Avoid

September 30, 2020, By Lou Brown

10. Having a plan – 11 Things Poor People Do That the Rich Avoid

Rich people have a plan and poor people generally don’t.

How to create a plan is to look at the end goal, decades ahead. Don’t let life just happen. Do things each day to progress towards your end goal. And this is easier if you have a plan.

Continue Reading 10. Having a plan – 11 Things Poor People Do That the Rich Avoid

September 30, 2020, By Lou Brown

9. Other people’s energy – 11 Things Poor People Do That the Rich Avoid

Everyone is different. Other people can do certain things better than you. Each of us has our own strengths and talents.

It is important to spend time identifying your own strength and talent so you can focus on them. At the same time, it is a good idea to recognize certain things that you are not good at. You don’t need someone like you, you need someone who can do what you cannot.

Continue Reading 9. Other people’s energy – 11 Things Poor People Do That the Rich Avoid

September 30, 2020, By Lou Brown

8. Quitting – 11 Things Poor People Do That the Rich Avoid

A lot of people quit too early. They get involved in something, and there would be a learning curve. But some people are not willing to commit to what’s necessary. What happens is they jump from thing to thing because they can’t commit to the end.

Don’t miss great opportunities because you are quitting. Never give up.

Continue Reading 8. Quitting – 11 Things Poor People Do That the Rich Avoid

September 30, 2020, By Lou Brown

7. Blaming others – 11 Things Poor People Do That the Rich Avoid

If it is to be, it’s up to me. If something is not working out the way you want to, look at yourself first. If there’s a breakdown, was it from your side to cause it?

A lot of other people love drama and blame others. That is not healthy. It’s not good to do business with that.

Don’t blame others, and avoid those who blame others.

Continue Reading 7. Blaming others – 11 Things Poor People Do That the Rich Avoid

September 29, 2020, By Lou Brown

6. Watch what people do not to what they say – 11 Things Poor People Do That the Rich Avoid

Action speaks louder than words. This is why I watch what people do rather than what they say.

Be careful where you get your advice from. You should try to listen to people who have more than you do or have what you want rather than those who have not done anything yet.

Continue Reading 6. Watch what people do not to what they say – 11 Things Poor People Do That the Rich Avoid

September 29, 2020, By Lou Brown

5. Avoid time wasters – 11 Things Poor People Do That the Rich Avoid

Time is a very valuable thing. We all have the same 24 hours a day and how you invest is critical to success.

Poor people always have the television on, morning, noon, and night. This can waste your time a lot because you are not thinking or making steps toward your goal.

Continue Reading 5. Avoid time wasters – 11 Things Poor People Do That the Rich Avoid

September 29, 2020, By Lou Brown

4. Snippets of time – 11 Things Poor People Do That the Rich Avoid

Always have things to do. There are snippets of time such as when you are waiting for a phone call or waiting for an answer. During these times, you can actually do the tasks that you’ve put aside so it’s not wasted.

Always have something to do, even small steps can take you closer to the goal.

Continue Reading 4. Snippets of time – 11 Things Poor People Do That the Rich Avoid

September 25, 2020, By Lou Brown

3. Time management – 11 Things Poor People Do That the Rich Avoid

Time management is an important skill for any person.

We all have the same 24 hours in a day. How we invest in that time is what can yield a huge return.

What I’ve learned is that a calendar is a very valuable thing. You can have your calendar right on your phone which reminds you what to do and when to do it.

Continue Reading 3. Time management – 11 Things Poor People Do That the Rich Avoid

September 25, 2020, By Lou Brown

2. Value Based Buying products on sale – 11 Things Poor People Do That the Rich Avoid

In my career, I started with is low-income properties such as apartment complexes. One of the things that I noticed is that some of them would go to the convenience store like it was a grocery store that charges more.

With that, I’ve always been a value-based buyer. I look at the cost and number of pennies per ounce and things like that. It’s not about not being able to afford it, but I like to keep the money I can keep.

Continue Reading 2. Value Based Buying products on sale – 11 Things Poor People Do That the Rich Avoid

September 25, 2020, By Lou Brown